Estate Planning

Diligence, Respect And Compassion In Texas And Oklahoma

Safeguarding The Future Of Your Family

Family upheaval following a divorce or parental separation naturally brings up concerns about your estate. While many people understand the need for having a formal estate plan, they do not always understand how state and federal estate laws apply to their unique situations.

Texas estate planning attorney David W. Smith II provides knowledgeable insight for clients with questions about estate planning. His clients are families who have questions about how to properly prepare their estates so as to provide for the next generation.

Tailored Advice To Protect Your Assets

While it can be tempting to simply download forms from the internet, the advice of experienced counsel can prove invaluable when it comes to estate planning. For example, general forms can overlook certain requirements in Texas and Oklahoma that would render your intended wishes invalid in court.

As your lawyer, David will take the time to review your unique circumstances to develop a tailored plan that fits your immediate needs and future goals. His experience includes assistance with:

  • State and federal estate taxes

  • Wills and trusts

  • Financial powers of attorney (an appointed person to determine financial decisions if you become incapacitated)

  • Medical powers of attorney/durable health care powers of attorney (an appointed person to determine if life support or other care measures are needed)

  • Probate and estate administration

A dad, mom, son, and daughter hugging.

Estate Planning For Families

All families, regardless of their structure, can face unique challenges when it comes to estate planning. David Smith provides counsel to any family, ensuring that your estate is protected for your loved ones. By putting legal safeguards in place now, you can help prevent family disputes in the future, should you become incapacitated.

A man smiling and holding a tablet.

Now Is The Time To Start The Process

Whatever your estate planning goals, learn more about your rights and options from a knowledgeable advocate. David offers a free 30-minute initial phone consultation to discuss your case directly with him. Evening and phone/videoconference appointments can be arranged.